fire Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has condemned the UK for what
he called 'a state-sponsored chemical attack, specifically targeted
at children'. Assad accused the NHS of poisoning children with
methylphenidate, in punishment for rebellious behaviour, and cited
independent investigations that have confirmed the chemical agent,more commonly known as Ritalin, is given to half a million childrenin the UK each year. After calling for UN inspectors to oversee the
destruction of British stockpiles of Ritalin the despot, in one of
his rare candid moments, added 'I'm fighting against fanatical
jihadis who're trying to kill me and my family, they're drugging kids
for talking back in class.'
Minister David Cameron hit back with a robust defence of chemically
modifying the behaviour of infants saying 'docility actually helps
disadvantaged children adjust to their low station.' He reassured
assembled journalists and broadsheet readers that 'this is not a
prescription for the offspring of strivers. The oiklets taking these
pills will earn minimum wage if they have a job at all. The last
thing we want them to grow up with is a habit of questioning
Secretary Michael Gove joined his leader in defending the
government's use of Ritalin by raising the spectre of the 2011 riots.
'After our nation witnessed such scenes of profoundly disturbing
violence in London, Birmingham and Manchester, we agreed that it was
best for everybody if the poor stayed on their estates, and however
much we would wish to have a teaching profession capable of inuring
them to that depressing reality, for the time being we must rely on
Obama welcomed sounding the alarm as he cordially condemned the
practice and called for action to be taken now, or at some point in
the future. Despite this swift and assured response he was
criticised by House Republicans and conservative pundits for not
describing Ritalin as a 'freedom suppressant' in his remarks. Senator
Rand Paul vowed to 'protect Amercian liberty from chemical attack'
with his Ritalout Pledge which calls for the automatic impeachment of
Obama if a single American child is found to have been given the
on Ritalin were like 'whatever'.
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